A Look Back

Ford has an interesting history in Canada. Changes in production types to suit the Canadian market and our weather were done in both post-war and after war models. The Ford Canada website has a large section on the history of Ford in Canada with a great overview of Mercury cars. Here is the link to the story: https://www.ford.ca/about-ford/heritage/?gnav=footer-aboutford

Zarowny Motors also has a rich history. Zarowny Motors started in 1947 at an Elk Point location.  Founded by brothers, Jack and Anton Zarowny, they soon acquired a farm equipment dealership and created a combined Case, Ford and Lincoln one-stop shop.  As space became tight, the dealership relocated its Ford-Lincoln division to St. Paul in 1964 with new partner Mike Warholik.  Jack’s twin sons, Dave and Dan grew up at the garage and although trying new careers it was a passion for the family business that brought them both back to St. Paul as next generation owners in 1970.